Helping families heal

Prepare To Bloom

Who we are

Prepare to Bloom is a bespoke holistic treatment consulting firm. We are devoted to helping your family make sound therapeutic and educational choices. With compassion and authenticity, we bring years of knowledge, experience, and expertise to support you on this journey. With our help, you’ll make well-informed, wise decisions. Choices to enable your adolescent or young adult to grow into their full selves.

We specialize in placements, finding the best, most fitting therapeutic programs for your teen or young adult. We welcome families located within the United States and abroad. Wherever you’re from, whatever path has brought you to us, you’re no longer alone. Prepare to Bloom will walk with you.

Our team

With deep roots in the San Francisco Bay area, and a presence that is nationwide, we are an intimate and growing practice. Diverse in experience and expertise, we are unified in our mission to support and guide our families.

  • SHAYNA ABRAHAM CEO, Lead Consultant

  • KATHY MEYER, MSW Consultant

  • JAMES MEYER, MA Consultant

Our values

Here at Prepare to Bloom, our concierge treatment consulting firm values not just the life of your teen or young adult, but your entire family. We work to foster hope, walking alongside you in times of crisis. Our holistic, total-family approach means we don’t just work to place the identified patient; we’re involved synergistically throughout the duration of the treatment process so you’re never alone

Consultants help put the pieces together 


“Our boy is now back in more than one way. He is home and our “lost” son has been found…”

We can help.

At Prepare to Bloom, we understand. And we’re here for you—not just in the beginning, but to walk beside you every step of the way, to provide guidance and hope, and get your child back on their own right path. Let’s get the comeback started, together.